
Materials:  Bioplastic
Ingredients: Gelatin, Glycerol, Water, Food dye
Processes: Meatureing, Mixing, Stirring, Heating, Molding.
Tools: Food scale, Pot, Stirring tool, Mold.
I follow the struction online for the gelation bioplastic. I used the same receipt a few months before for another model, but this time I mix the gelatin powder with the water and glycerol solution before I start boiling it, which creates a rich layer of foam on top. This foam layer did not disappear during the process of heating and cooling down in the mold, which in the final model, this front and back side of the plate looks significantly different. The mold is an upper torso cast of my own body which is made out of plaster tape. The food wrap that carried the gelatin bioplastic later placed inside the mold slowly adopted the shape and form.