Dust Matter
Yuna Ma
Cigarette butts, Mycelium

Yuna Ma is a designer currently based in New York City, fueled by a passion for exploring the myriad possibilities in design and venturing beyond the visible. Her work is a testament to a creative spirit driven by curiosity and a commitment to pushing boundaries. With a perspective and a love for the unconventional, Yuna seeks to redefine what is possible in the world of design.

Email: yunauu1114@gmail.com

Walking through the streets, it’s impossible to ignore the ubiquitous presence of cigarette butts. They’ve become man-made dust, so ingrained in our surroundings that we’ve grown desensitized to their existence. However, our nonchalance towards these remnants aligns with our disregard for their irreversible consequences on the environment.

In this project, ashtrays are crafted by blending mycelium (living root structures derived from mushrooms) with discarded cigarette butts. These base components are placed in molds, where they bind to each other through fungal growth. Through this symbiotic integration of mycelium and discarded cigarette butts, each ashtray becomes a tangible embodiment of environmental responsibility and regeneration. By repurposing discarded cigarette butts through the transformative power of mycelium, the ashtrays aim to inspire a deeper connection with the environment and a sense of shared responsibility for the world we inhabit. In the realization of this project, cigarette butts were collected from six iconic streets in New York City, each with its unique urban narrative. These discarded remnants, along with waste found nearby, serve as raw materials that capture the essence of each street. The ashtrays, crafted from mycelium-infused cigarette butts, symbolize a transformative journey from waste to utility.