Bio Joss paper
Yue Zhuo
Gelatin, glycerol, corn starch, water, food coloring

Yue Zhuo is a designer from China, and currently based in Brooklyn, New York. Her works reflect her concern for social issues. She is passionate about exploring and using biomaterials, and exploring the relationship between human culture and nature through various forms. She is a candidate of Communication Design MFA at Pratt Institute.

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Burning paper money for the deceased is a Chinese tradition, but it contributes to air pollution. Balancing cultural preservation with environmental protection is a pressing challenge.

Bio Joss paper is a groundbreaking product for rituals and ceremonies, using biodegradable biomaterials that dissolve in water. This simplifies the post-ceremony process and improves efficiency. Bio Joss paper combines practicality and cultural sensitivity, paying homage to traditions while promoting environmental friendliness. It highlights the importance of sustainable practices. The fusion of biomaterials and Joss paper raises awareness about the environmental impact of traditional funeral practices. Bio Joss paper becomes a catalyst for consciousness, urging individuals to make more environmentally responsible choices during funerals.