Weeping Star
Yixin Li

Yixin Li is an illustrator & graphic designer based in Brooklyn. She is passionate about branding and enjoys designing logo, icons, teasers, and tiny beautiful & intelligent illustrations. She also loves print-related work, especially book design. Her wide interest means she’s never bored — just the way she like it.

The flowing water reminds me of weep. The tears themselves are ambiguous, a mixture of water, protein, fat, and mineral salts, carrying both sorrow and joy. Tears are all kinds of experiences extracted from the liquid, each time we shed a tear is a different cause, bringing another emotion. Over time, the experiences and hurts will be gradually diluted.

Can tears measure time? Intimate relationships and personal experiences have been a consistent thread of my work. As a graphic designer with illustration background, I approach intimate relationships and personal emotions through flat style. With this project, I explore the materiality of emotion and the physicality of healing. I imagine a time measurement device of tear, measuring time through the amount of water flowing from a container on the back of the device made of bioplastic. According to the principle of operation of the water clock and the waterproof nature of bioplastics, this clock in the timing is also a gradual healing process. Tears are like a river of time, they help us flow and transition to a better stage.

When people observe the passing of water, it  will reminds them of the emotional experience of tears. Whether it is a positive or negative emotion, it is part of the personal experience that has become integrated and embedded in their hearts. As time goes by, the water will run out, the bioplastic will degrade completely, and the emotions of the time will eventually be smoothed.