Future Ocean
Ying Yin
Digital Image

Ying Yin is a New York-based artist, pursuing a career as a 3D environment modeler, with a focus on asset modeling. As a recent graduate from Pratt Institute’s BFA in 3D animation, Ying independently produced her thesis film from concept art all the way through to final editing. This experience prepared her to work on a rigorous timeline, while forcing her to master the ability to translate her own ideas into fully-realized products. As a passionatecreative with high aspirations, Ying looks forward to sharing her visions and skills with like-minded team members.

This project brings attention to plastic pollution and planetary sustainability through the alchemy of material intervention and digital technology. It is a brief survey of potential application of biological materials in digital art by synthesizing new textures drawn from the making of biomaterials and incorporating them into 3D models.

I approached the problematic duality between “nature” and “manmade”, by applying biomaterial textures on industrial objects and rendering natural creatures as plasticized. These fictional scenarios depict the present and possible human impacts on the environment: all organic lives are suffocating from plastic, and (bio)plastic is returning to the planetary cycle.