Yifei Zhang
Bio-Plastic, carbon powder

Yifei Zhang is a MASc student at the Royal College of Art and Imperial College London. She is a designer, machine lover and food programmer. Passionate about HCI and interdisciplinary collaboration, she thrives on making the intangible tangible. Not only with pixels but with a fascination for the tactile—programming everything from software to food. Her mission is to leverage emerging technologies to redefine our daily experiences and seeking simple solutions from daily life for tech challenges for sustainable innovation, she finds joy in the fusion of simplicity and sophistication.

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A groundbreaking application of conductive bioplastics as a sustainable alternative to conventional NFC metal chips. Addressing the overlooked environmental impact o small metal chips in waste disposal, BioConductor embodies the Design to Disappear ethos by replacing non-recyclable metal with biodegradable, electrically conductive biomaterials. This innovative solution minimizes metal consumption, reducing waste and promoting recyclability. 

BioConductor's integration of conductive bioplastics not only facilitates seamless connectivity but also transforms the discourse around electronic components in everyday objects. By emphasizing the harmony between material, medium, and the chosen subject matter, this revolutionary approach enhances the lifecycle of electronic devices while contributing to a circular economy. BioConductor not only demonstrates the potential of biofabrication in electronics but also exemplifies a conscious material choice that resonates with the evolving landscape of sustainable design.