“What a sugary day.”
Arvin Shih

Medium: Images, hand-drawing comics, photographs
Year: 2022

Arvin Shih is a designer from Taiwan and is currently based in New York, the United States. She majored in Architecture in her undergrads and turned her head to the Communications Design field for her graduate studies due to her enthusiasm for visualization. Her design strategy is flexible in different aspects and has a variety of expressions. She is especially interested in the sense of light and shades in spaces, which could be noticed in her projects. Recently, she has been focusing on motion design, data visualization, and the development of trans materials.
This project is based on an imagined future scenario where the environment eventually collapses. Pollution forces people to depend on the mycelium shelter system so they can live outside the megacity, which is not affordable for most humans in poisonous nature. The community in this situation is totally different, and so is the role of human beings. The shelter they lived in is not only protecting them from poisonous environments but also provided the daily essentials of their life. The system of this shelter is bio-based. To keep the mycelium active, it must be transferred from one place to another. The mycelium will strengthen the main structure, purify the air and some water, and provide food. And another main character is the kombucha that provides bio-fabric for human usage and the cover layer of the shelter’s opening. The skeleton of the shelter, left behind in every transition, will form the new landscape and keep purifying the environment little by little. This project aims to draw attention to the impacts of the Anthropocene and provoke the imagination of a tangled lifestyle that relates to or even depends on non-human creatures.